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Tiffany Tang's

Moon Jars


Learn the entire intricate process of making Tiffany Tang’s stunning Colored moon jars in this hands-on workshop. Students will make up to 3 moon jars (2 smaller and 1 large jar). The workshop will cover such principles as: color theory and design, stacking, creating deflocculated color slip and its application.


Note: due to the 3-firings process that’s required for completion of all pieces, this workshop will be spaced across 2 weekends to allow bisque and glazing firing between day 1 and 2 of the workshop



Day 1: Saturday, 7/13 from 12pm-5pm


  • Overview of the process, color theory and combinations and artist talk

  • Demo 1: small moon jars

  • Work-time (small moon jars)

  • Demo 2: Large moon jar (Learning stacking)

  • Work-time (large moon jar)

  • Demo applying color to moon jars

  • Work-time (applying color to moon jars)



Day 2: Sunday, 7/21 from 12pm-4pm


  • Color theory

  • Preparing color casting slip

  • Demo 1: applying color casting slip to work

  • Work-time

About Tiffany


Tiffany Tang is a porcelain artist who is currently based in Providence, RI. She was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area in CA, and received her BA in Art and Art History at San Francisco State University in 2015 and is a current Graduate student at Rhode Island School of Design.

Her work can be seen in shows both nationally and internationally, and is included in the permanent collection of the Montana Museum of Art and Culture in Missoula, MT. Tiffany recently completed a year long residency, and her work from 2017-2018 can be seen in her first solo exhibition, Hue: Porcelain at Arch Contemporary Ceramics in Rhode Island.





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